Membership and membership benifits


  1. The membership of the trust is valid for one year from 1st January to 31st December and it has to be renewed every year by paying a membership fee of Rs. 500 / =.
  2. The membership fee should be paid for the next year between December 01 and 31 and the relevant receipt should be obtained.
  3. Membership Identity Card for the year will be issued to all members in January.

Membership benifits

  1. Medical expenses incurred at a Government hospital or a government or registered private Ayurvedic hospital as an in-house patient.

    1. Expenses incurred in obtaining drugs on the prescription of the ward doctor which are unavailable in the hospital.
      Actual cost of drugs or LKR 10,000/- whichever is less.
    2. OCost of obtaining services of a private nurse during hospitalization
      LKR 750/- per day upto actual number of days or maximum of 10 days, whichever is less.
    3. Expenses incurred in obtaining investigation reports on the prescription of the ward doctor which are unavailable in the hospital.
      Actual cost of investigations or LKR 10,000/-.whichever is less

      Note : If approved by the administration council, above amounts will be reimbursed on submission of documents listed under ‘claims procedure’ page

  2. Medical care obtained at a registered private hospital as an in-house patient:

    1. Urgent surgeries and surgical procedures needed for life threatening conditions that are unavailable at the time of distress from government hospitals.
      Actual expenses incurred or LKR 50,000/- whichever is less.

      Note : If approved by the administration council, above amounts could be paid direct to the hospital on submission of documents listed under ‘claims procedure’ page.

  3. Physical or mental incapacity necessitating medical treatment at resident.
    1. LKR 500/- per day as nursing cost upto one calendar month or prior recovery or death whichever first happens.
    2. Actual monthly expenses incurred in obtaining prescription drugs or LKR 2,500/- monthly whichever is less for a duration of six calendar months or prior death or recovery whichever first happens.

      Note : If approved by the administration council, above amounts will be reimbursed on a monthly basis on submission of documents listed under ‘claims procedure’ page.

  4. Expenses incurred in buying medical equipments prescribed by a doctor
    1. Spectacles and lenses – Maximum LKR 5,000/-
    2. Hearing aids – Maximum LKR 10,000/-
    3. Wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs Rs. 20,000 / = Maximum

      1. Note : For benefits 3 & 4 above, drugs and medical equipments should be prescribed by a registered (MBBS, specialized) doctor.

Very important note:

Kindly note that benefits are payable as per rules laid down in ‘claims procedure ‘.

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